Appeal for donations until July 7: For differentiated perspectives on the initial reception facility in Suhl!

In recent years, the discourse surrounding the local initial reception facility for refugees here in Suhl in southern Thuringia has become very heated; increasingly large sections of the population only see migration defense and deportation as supposed solutions and the local media reports focus almost exclusively on crime and other problems in the vicinity of the facility.

We have decided that we urgently want to counter this with a different narrative that focuses on the people affected. Journalist Lena Löhr conducted interviews for us with seven people who are directly involved with the facility in very different ways. This gives a glimpse behind the superficially visible problems and, above all, brings to the public eye for the first time how people affected by racism experience the situation. The interviews will be supplemented by facts and figures, as well as photographs by Frieder Bickhardt from the surrounding neighborhoods. Lena will also hold a workshop to capture the reactions of young people to the material. Fortunately, we have received funding from the Local Partnership for Democracy for these first steps, so the most important part of the work is done.

But now we want to select the material, design the layout, put it on our website – and above all have it printed at least 3,000 times as a photo-text newspaper before the state elections (on September 1) and then distribute it widely in Suhl: in the letterboxes of the neighboring residential areas, in the town hall, at doctor’s surgeries, at markets, at a discussion event and with small actions in public space.

As we have had less luck with other funding, we urgently need your support to be able to realize all of this! We are currently still missing 5300€ for the selection of material, layout and printing of the newspaper, 600€ for the distribution in mailboxes and 1300€ for moderation, security and room rental for a presentation and discussion event.

Only if we have the necessary money together by July 7 can we start with the layout the following week as planned and start printing the newspaper at the end of July. So please donate immediately if you can, and please spread the word. Thank you so much!

Donate directly by bank transfer:
Account holder: e.V.
IBAN: DE18 8306 5408 0005 2381 10
Credit institution: Deutsche Skatbank
Purpose: Donation project Erstaufnahme

Alternatively, it is also possible to donate via PayPal. However, please bear in mind that we will incur PayPal fees for this, so unfortunately not 100% of the donation will be received.

Donations to e.V. are tax-deductible in Germany. If you need a donation receipt (normally required as proof for amounts of €300 or more), please write your address in the reference field or send us an e-mail.

Thank you very much for your support! We hope to see you on August 10 (CCS Suhl, 3-5 pm) for the public presentation and discussion of the newspaper or on September 20 for the opening of our Community Art Center in Suhl.

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