Info events »laboro ergo sum – I work therefore I am?«

Together with the autodidactic initiative from Leipzig and Centro di Palmetta from Terni, Italy we invite you for a big exchange! In September we want to meet for 13 days and use PHOTOGRAPHY &FILM to reflect about WORK – the political dimension as well as personal experiences. Through a constant exchange you can create group projects or individual projects. We will also do little tours and interview people about their work experience. At the end we want to create a poster campaign and a website with our works.
Interested? We want to hold three info events to talk about our ideas and your needs:

4th April 18:30 Social Impact Lab, Weißenfelser Straße 65H (Plagwitz)
5th April 18:30 dresdner59, Dresdner Str. 59 (Reudnitz)
5th April 18:30 Haus Steinstraße, Steinstraße 18 (Südvorstadt)

The information events will be in German (translation to English possible), the exchange will be in English with the possibility to organize language courses before or interpretation during the exchange.

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