»out of the box« – next round in February
In 2019 we want to offer again a space to create a more or less finished project out of the chaos of your pictures already taken – film or photographs – this space we call »out of the box«. This year we will cooperate with the awesome neighbourhood project Dresdner Straße 59 in Leipzig-Reudnitz. We also have a new schedule: there are only three whole-day appointments on which the whole group meets (23/2, 9/3, 23/3) and afternoon appointments in between (25/2, 6/3, 11/3, 20/3) where you can get feedback or help with your projects if you need it. Supposedly in autumn, there will be a second workshop with Dresdner59 and towards the end of the year we want to publish the results! The project is funded by SAB and EVLKS so you can participate on donation base. Open for everybody of every age/origin/… ! Participation on donation base. If needed, we will organise interpreters or child care.
Register until 14/02/19 at www.unofficial.pictures or via +49 341 39294153