Some perspectives on the impacts of covid-19
The contact restrictions because of Corona affect everyone very differently. We ourselves are pretty privileged, even if we’d like to get together physically for workshops. Meanwhile, people are suffering because of the unequal distribution of care work – @femm_hood just started a strike over this. Many are losing income or have rising costs. People are stuck in violent relationships. Disabled people who are cared for at home are overlooked (see @raulkrauthausen). Jews* face structural anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial. Asian-read people say: #iamnotavirus. In camps in Germany, refugees have to live close together under sometimes chaotic mass quarantine measures. Meanwhile, in the middle of the pandemic, mass deportations are underway (see @afgkulturhaus and @syrianotsafe !). And thousands of refugees are stuck in cold tents on the Greek islands (see @now_you_see_me_moria) or in Bosnia (see @balkanbruecke). What is being done for them? How many other particularly affected groups do we not have in mind?
And while, according to estimates, particularly contagious covid mutations could already account for a double-digit percentage of all new infections in Hanover, there are already discussions today about relaxations. The strategy of zero covid, also to shut down the economy more strongly for a short time, to cushion the consequences of the lockdown in solidarity and thus to be finished with the lockdown faster, is apparently not considered so far.
That’s the current situation from our point of view. Now to the pictures. A reflection of the first lockdown in March attempted the exhibition “My encounter with isolation” at @blauer_sand_leipzig. Bea Nielsen had searched for artistic works via an open call, especially in the east of Leipzig. A great combination of personal conversations, paintings, sculptures, photos and texts came together. We are present with pictures from “Dangerous Object: Eisenbahnstraße”.
You can see the whole exhibition online since a short time!