Exchange project »Laboro ergo sum – I work, therefore I am?«
Together with friends from autodidaktische Initiative (adi) we are organising a big exchange project on the topic of »labour«. If everything goes well with the funding, a group from the (post-)industrial city Terni in Central Italy will come to Leipzig from 12 to 25 September and we will go there in spring, talking about Personal, Local, Political and Utopian around the subject and, after all, creating little photo and film projects in small groups or individually. The results of the first round we want to exhibit in October during LindeNOW, the festival of self-organized non-commercial art spaces in Leipzig-Lindenau.
As for all of our workshops, neither equipment nor previous knowledge are required, and if necessary we will organize a short English course before. The participant’s contribution (incl. food) is 25-75 € according to self-estimation. For more infomation check out the project website at www.laboroergosum.eu, write an email to the preparation team at leipzig@laboroergosum.eu or come to the preparation workshop on 7 July in the adi! Deadline for registration will be on 15 July.