Utopia rides a roller coaster and starts to vomit?

Utopias – who doesn’t have them? The dreams of a better world? Of more justice, equality, etc.? A society without exclusion, without discrimination, without racism, without classes and segregation? What about privilege, climate change, and redistribution? How is this going to work out? Will I solve it alone (for myself)? Where does that leave the others? What about the “we”?
Is all of this even realistic? Is that important? Riding a roller coaster? Puking your guts out? Moving on? Doing everything differently? How?
These are the questions we want to address in the zine workshop, sharing our own experiences, wishes, dreams and UTOPIAS for social coexistence. Afterwards we want to create a common zine (MagaZINE) in collage copyshop style, which summarizes and reflects our exchange.
Bring a photo/drawing/picture or object to the workshop that you feel is related to the theme of utopia. It doesn’t matter if you made it yourself, stole it, borrowed it or found it. All that matters is that you connect with it and want to share that with the group.
Participants: min. 8, max. 12
Participation fee: 20€
Registration deadline: September 12
Dates: September 24-26
Times: Fri. 16-20:30, Sat+Sun: 11-19:30
Workshop language: German (improvised English translation possible)
Registration deadline was September 12, sorry!