Workshop seminar »how to publish« starting at the end of October – exhibition in January
Our 2018 series of workshop seminars is entering the final round with »how to publish« and we are excited for your moving and still images! On three weekends between October and December we want to look for a publication format that fits your (almost) finished photo and film projects. At the end we will design a group exhibition together and realize it in January in Pöge-Haus (and maybe also in public space). You can again choose your participant’s contribution yourself, we got funding for simultaneous interpretation from the city and want to offer child care if necessary. So if you think: “oh yes! I want to, but …”, please write us and we’ll hopefully find a solution.
Enrol until 19 October at www.unofficial.pictures
Workshop: Fri 26 — Sun 28/10 | Fri 9 — Sun 11/11 | Fri 30/11 — Sun 2/12/2018
Vernissage: Sat 5/1/2019 | Exhibition: Sun 6 — Sun 13/1/2019
Place: Pöge-Haus e.V., Hedwigstraße 20, 04315 Leipzig-Neustadt-Neuschönefeld