English Translation: »Dangerous object: Eisenbahnstraße« Edition #1

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Translation of Issue #1 | Originally published in Leipzig in August 2019 | Translated by Nils Benedikt Meier and Joe | Published by unofficial.pictures

Attention: This brochure contains only the translations of all texts into English. It is meant as a supplement to the first edition of our photo newspaper.

Free prize. We want the newspaper to be accessible to everyone, but we also want to recover at least the material & printing costs through the sale. Think about how much you can give and enter this as your chosen price.



Eisenbahnstraße in Leipzig? The media have been full of racist and classist clichés about it for years. And as if to officially confirm this stigmatization, Saxony’s first weapons ban zone was introduced here in November 2018.
We thought: this sucks! And we interviewed residents from the adjacent neighborhoods. We published these interviews together with other texts and many of our own photos in two issues of our newspaper „Dangerous Object: Eisenbahnstraße“ – to show: Eisenbahnstraße is much more! And the problems that exist here are more complex than BILD or ProSieben want to tell us.
Dedicated translators have been working on it for a long time, so that you can now read it not only in German, but also in Russian, Arabic, Turkish and English!

Attention: This brochure contains only the translations of all texts into English. It is meant as a supplement to the first edition of our photo newspaper.

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