Personal Cinematic/ Photographic Researches
In this workshop seminar you can find ways to express/explore your own issues through photography/film – You can adress very personal things/dreams/experiences or find a personal approach to a political issue.
What will happen when?
The seminar consists of three weekend blocks (with ca 20 hours each, from Friday afternoon till Sunday afternoon) with two breaks lasting several weeks.
On the first weekend, we will first get to know each other and gain insights into the approaches of different activists and artists and exchange our views about them. But mainly you will bring your ideas on which topic you want to research artistically by means of photography or film. You will elaborate on the topic and develop an artistic concept through creativity methods, the inspiration of other works and feedback from the other participants.
In the following weeks, you can independantly take pictures/videos, write some texts or collect other materials – if you want to, in collaboration or exchange with others from the group.
Then we meet again for an extended weekend session in order to talk about your first results, to answer questions on technical issues, working mehtods or ethics, and to get an impression of the work that is coming into being by seeing a temporary selection of images, clips and material.
Now you will have another few weeks to collect missing material and to work on your image selection / editing.
On the third weekend block we talk in detail about the combination of your material so that you can fine-tune it and, at the end, produce a rough version of your work, such as a book dummy, a slideshow, the first edit of a short film. Together we will then reflect the personal and photographic/filmic process. If you want to share your work with more people, you can later decide to participate in the workshop seminar »How To Publish«.

What should you bring to the seminar?
Mainly you should feel like expressing yourself through pictures/photos/videos. For the »Personal Cinematic/Photographic Researches« it is important that you have a more or less fixed idea on what you want to explore during the upcoming weeks. Technical knowledge or skills are less important.
We want to question photographs/videos on a personal level and sometimes this will put very personal issues/experiences on the table. We want to support each other to the best of our abilities, and time and time again look after how everybody is. But mainly you are responsible yourself during the whole seminar on what and how much you want to share.
What do you get out of it?
- find a form to comprehensibly express your personal perspective/vision on a topic that is important to you
- networking and community with other people interested in photography and film
- further artistic development
- insight into other life realities
- work on ideas buzzing around your head, and share them with the other participants
- learn how to give a new meaning to single images by their narrative combination
- get out of your own comfort zone through photographic/cinematic tasks
- question your own view on the chosen topic
- relief by getting through old personal issues with the help of the group and the workshop facilitators
- self-empowerment by self-confidently sharing your own view on topics flawed with shame as an artistic product
3 extended weekends
- Fri 29/6 — Sun 1/7 2018
- Fri 13/7 — Sun 15/7 2018
- Fri 10/8 — Sun 12/8 2018
Fri 18.00-21.00, Sat 11.00-21.00, Sun 11.00-18.00
Neighbourhood project Dresdner59, Dresdner Straße 59, 04318 Leipzig-Reudnitz
Entry conditions
With the submission of this enrolment form, you confirm your participation in the selected workshop seminar. You can also pass on the participation to another person, which then has to confirm the entry conditions at the beginning of the workshop.
Possible postponements
In case that we are ill and not able to carry out the workshop at the dates agreed on, you have the opportunity to participate on a replacement date or to get your participant’s contribution refunded.
Legal age
In case you are not of age yet, we need all of your legal guardians to sign that they allow your participation and agree to the entry conditions. Please therefore print these entry conditions and have them signed in the following fields:
Your Name _____________________________
Legal guardian 1 ________________________
Date/Place ______________________________
Signature _____________________________
Legal guardian 2 ________________________
Date/Place ______________________________
Signature _____________________________